Home > Killingholme & Cottage Power Stations Hydrogen Assessment Study

Killingholme & Cottage Power Stations Hydrogen Assessment Study


Uniper UK LTD

  • Onshore
  • Fitness for continued service
  • Site audit
  • Hydrogen feasibility technical assessment report
  • Design & integrity review

Project Background

Uniper own and operate the Theddlethorpe to Killingholme (KIPS) and Blyborough to Cottam (BCot) pipeline systems, which are designed to provide gas to Uniper owned and operated power plants at Killingholme and Cottam Development Centre (CDC) respectively. The CDC is a combined cycle gas turbine plant, with a generating capacity of 400 MW.

Uniper are investigating the possibility of blending hydrogen with natural gas at various ratios, up to 100% hydrogen, together with the suitability of the existing BCot and KIPS system assets.

The hydrogen percentages in natural gas to be considered are 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 50% and 100% hydrogen. Uniper requested that Penspen undertake a study to determine the feasibility and system compatibility with hydrogen.

Study Limits

The study incorporated all pipeline system elements, including the pipeline, inlet and outlet points, Block Valve Stations (BVS), Above Ground Installations (AGI), Pressure Reduction Stations (PRS), and off-takes.

In addition, the scope also incorporated the balance of the plant within the Killingholme and CDC power stations, up to the gas turbine inlet flanges.


  • Site audit
  • Undertaking of assessments at various levels, including:

– Collation and review of asset documentation

– Equipment inventory audit

– System flow assurance and thermal input assessment

– Hydrogen degradation mechanisms

– AGI equipment, pipeline design and integrity reviews

– Safety assessments, including venting and hazardous area zones

– Maintenance and inspection changes

– Pipeline Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)

– Personnel competency and training requirements

– Emergency response requirements

– Regulatory requirements

  • Client presentation and workshop
  • Hydrogen feasibility technical assessment report


Penspen undertook a variety of reviews, verifications and assessments, which covered all relevant technical, integrity, and safety aspects pertinent to Uniper’s assets.

The compatibility of equipment and assets with hydrogen at different blend increments was determined through codes and standards requirements, relevant industry and academic research, industry best practices and lessons, as well as engineering assessments.


Penspen provided Uniper with a hydrogen feasibility technical report, containing fitness for continued service evaluations of the above ground equipment and pipelines within the two systems. This determined at what percentage of hydrogen the existing system components are suitable and at what point further assessment, modifications or replacements are required to continue operations.

Penspen also provided Uniper with an extensive list of recommendations, highlighting further work required to ensure the assets are safe and ‘hydrogen ready’ prior to transitioning. We also provided an implementation plan of the next steps to be taken.

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