Optimising Risk-Based Inspection with THEIA
When looking at risk assessment practice in oil, gas and petrochemical plants, one of the…
RBI Assessment – Best Practices
Addressing certain points within the RBI process can expand project quality, project delivery time, and…
Asset Risk Assessment – An Evaluation of Different Inspection Methodologies
An insight paper that outlines and evaluates the effectiveness of three different approaches to managing…
Monitor Corrosion Growth Rates with THEIA
Read about how THEIA's module 'Feature Mapping & CGR' reduced the time spent analysing ILI…
Microbial Corrosion – The Methods of Handling Bacterial Monitoring
Our experts take an in-depth look into Microbial Corrosion - the specifics of Bacterial Monitoring…
Root Cause Analysis for Corrosion Management – Combining Methodologies
Take a look at how Penspen adopted and combined different strategies within Root Cause Analysis…
Providing a Technical Scope for Integrity Assessments
Learn about the importance of engineers providing a technical scope for any integrity work commenced.…
Assessing the Best Practices for In-line Inspection
Evaluating the best practices and factors when preparing for an In-Line Inspection…
The Essential Steps to Formal Pipeline Life Extension
A step-by-step guide to the formal pipeline life extension process.…