Field Development Support in the Middle East
Detailed Engineering Services for a new Transition Zone B development in the Middle East.…
Corrosion Risk Assessment Study for a Middle Eastern Refinery
Corrosion Risk Assessment Study for a Middle Eastern Refinery…
Corrosion Risk Assessment Study (CRAS) and Risk Based Inspection Study (RBI) for a Processing Plant
Corrosion Risk Assessment Study (CRAS) and Risk Based Inspection Study (RBI) for a processing plant…
Hydrogen Blending Facility Design & Assessment for REN-Gasodutos, S.A.
Penspen completes hydrogen blending facility design & assessment for REN-Gasodutos, S.A., a gas transmission system…
Utilising Digital Tools for Pipeline Integrity Assessments
Digital pipeline asset integrity assessments for a crude oil pipeline in the Middle East.…
Integrity and Energy Transition Consultancy Services for a National Gas Pipeline System
Integrity and Energy Transition Consultancy Services for a National Gas Pipeline System…
Fitness for Purpose (FFP) Assessment for a Pipeline System
Pipeline Fitness for Purpose (FFP) Assessment for a major pipeline system in Latin America. …
Green Hydrogen Production Facility for a Gas Processing Plant
Feasibility and technology assessment for a green hydrogen production facility in Europe.…
CCUS and H2 for a Large-Scale Industrial Cluster
Carbon capture & storage, and hydrogen concept solutions to help reach net zero in the…